How to connect an Access Control Panel over WAN.

How to connect an Access Control Panel over WAN.

AxTraxNG supports connecting any Access Control panel over any network type as long as the panel is accessible via IP address and in the case of AC-825 also AxTraxNG server must be accessible via IP address, 

This article will explain the connection requirement while using a WAN (WIDE AREA NETWORK). 

Setting up an Access control panel for remote connection

  1. Make sure that the remote site WAN has a static IPV4 address. 
  2. Set the local IP address and port of the control panel using AxTraxNG:

  3. On the remote site, the router setup a port forwarding to the panel IP address using the setup port:
    This setting will look different from one router to another and you will need to know the router setting for this,
  4. If you don't know the remote site static IP address, you can go to to find out.
  5. In the case of an AC-825IP control panel, you will need to have the control panel MAC address. 

Setting Up the Server site for remote connection For AC-825IP control panel.

  1. Make sure that the Server site WAN has a static IPV4 address. 
  2. On AxTraxNG Server site router setup a port forwarding to the server-internal IP address using the AC-825IP secondary Port:
  3. Make sure that the server firewall is set to allow incoming communication on the primary and secondary ports. You can use this guide to set up the firewall

Adding a remote Access Control Panel to AxTraxNG/ AxTraxR

  1. From the tree view select "Networks."

  2. Click the + button to add a new network.
  3. Select the control panel type and the connection type as TCP/IP 
  4. On the TCP/IP section, enter the static IP address of the remote site (the one you got earlier), set the port number and speed.
    In case of an AC-825 control panel, enter the control pane MAC address:
    an AC-215IP example:
  5. Set the Radio Button selection to Remote (WAN)
  6. Click OK
Now add control panels to the network.

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