How to import Users from excel files to Bio9000 software

How to import Users from excel files to Bio9000 software

This article will allow you to import users to Bio900o management software from an Excel file.

In order to import the users please make sure your Excel table is following the following format: 

 Column “T_UID” : This column should be filled with each user ID as digits. (must follow user ID length setting of the Bio9000 SW) 
 Column “T_NAME” : This column should be filled with the user name per each user.
- Column “T_AUTH” : This column should be filled with “2” or “4”.
                               (2 = password user,  4 = Cards user)
 Column “T_RF” : This column should be filled with the inherent card number for each Cards user.
 Column “T_PW” : This column should be filled with the password as more than 4 digits for each password user.
 Column others : You can insert the information for each user. (Dept, Position, Personal ID)
Please note that the file should be saved in CSV format 

Importin on Bio9000:
  1. Go to Tool , Import User:

  2. Select the CSV file in the format describe above: 
  3. Select the users to be imported and click Upload:
  4. Confirm the Import:
  5. Make sure you have the success message:
  6. Click "Close":
  7. Once Done go to system services and reset the service: 

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